Random Musings

Have you ever been in a situation wherein you know the real reason or the story behind why things happen? Then, half the people involved in the said situation have zero idea what happened or what’s happening so they proceed to do things accordingly to their understanding. I guess, we were in the said situation where we assume things are going a certain way because of the “facts” we thought we knew.

But, seeing the situation in a different perspective—like knowing the real reason—I feel helpless. I mean, in the first place, I am in no position to say anything because: 1) we’re not friends, and 2) I’m not involved (in short, not my business). Watching the other half trash talk someone is kind of disheartening because you can’t say the real reason and it’ll make things more complicated. So I don’t know—I feel bad. What can you do in that situation?

Well, on other situations—it is funny to watch 🤷🏻‍♀️ Especially if it’s someone you don’t like LOL just kidding! I always felt like I need to say something about the situation so that they’ll get a better understanding of the situation. The thing is, the last time I did this—I became the bad person—they kind of misunderstood my intention. Lesson learned from then on: stay off of someone else’s business and carry on with your own. Which is everyone should be doing (take note, self).

It takes some practice but if you’re willing to learn, keep doing it. I’m still in the process of minding my own shit and not paying any attention to what other people say behind my back—I’m getting better at it, though. Biggest peeve: people who talk shit behind my back and no guts to tell it straight to my face. One of the reasons why I quit my previous job.

Okay, I honestly have no idea what’s this post is supposed to be. I guess I just badly need a day off 😂

Play nice, everyone~


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A newbie in blogging. Cassiopeia for life.

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