Acad Life 101

I haven’t written for a while, eh? Hehe my bad! I’m supposed to write a post regarding our trip in Alberta because guess what? Our long drive did finally pushed through—honestly I thought it won’t happen because of our schedules but I am glad we found ways to make it happen.

Now, I am in my third month in college and so far so good. The paperwork ain’t that bad though right now I am running out of ideas what to write for the last two journals. I will definitely miss this term because of my schedule—I don’t have to wake up early for an 0830HR class—only once, Monday, and the rest are 1030HR every Wednesday and Friday and 1330HR every Tuesday and Thursday. Next term will be different, sigh, I have an 0830HR class from Monday-Friday. The good news is, I do not have a second subject until after lunch so that’s like a four hours spare? Maybe I’ll just go home for lunch by then and catch some sleep, just kidding. Anyway, one more reason to miss first term is aside from paperwork, that’s all I have to think about. Unlike the next five terms—I will not just think about it for now.

You know what I find great about my experience in college here? They teach you how to handle stress—they care about your mental health and they make sure to help you graduate and finish the program without losing your mind (I guess?) In comparison to my learning experience back in the Philippines, which has nothing to compare by the way, because its way too different—they don’t really help you in handling your stress and your health in general. I mean, for example, if you have six exams next week they (the instructors) won’t adjust their schedules or they will add another paperwork/homework that needed to be passed on the same week as those six exams. Unlike here wherein the instructors are kind to tell the students that if the dates of the exams overlaps with another course, they will make the adjustment. I find it really surprising, in a good way though.

Even though the learning experience is really different here, I am surprisingly enjoying it. So far, it isn’t as bad as I perceived it to be. As I’ve written above, I won’t think about the upcoming terms and just focus on what I can do right now. Originally, I planned to take care of all my paperwork over the weekdays so that I don’t have to do anything during weekends. Just chill with my friends and spend the weekend with my boyfriend and family. Apparently, during weekdays, I cannot seem to find the motivation to get things done.

Here’s to the start of TERM 2!


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A newbie in blogging. Cassiopeia for life.

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