Hi guys! (Not that people come visit my site and read my entries anyways) So~ it’s been forever since my last update, what’s new, right? Hmm, well to be honest I got busy with school stuff—good news is I’m finishing my practicum for our third term this week (our last week, yay!) then it’ll be summer break! I’m so excited to do NOTHING. I guess I gotta pick up some shifts if there’s a call but oh boy, I cannot wait to relax my brain.
It’s been a crazy term for me and honestly I thought I wouldn’t be able to make it out alive. I thought I am going to fail one course. I failed our second test in this course and I wasn’t able to get a passing grade when I re-did my test. Good thing I had high mark on our first test. Still it left an impression and fear that I might not able to pass the term because of that set back. Why did I fail my test? The first try I had migraine and it was hard for me to focus to study. The second try—well, I didn’t utilize my time well (ahem because of paperworks) and studied for only half a day. I cried when I got the result but stopped myself because I didn’t even give my 100%—it wasn’t even 20% So why should I cry? Yes, I am disappointed but it was my own fault for failing. Moving on, I’m just really glad and thankful that I am able to pass this term. Woohoo!
I am still trying to figure out the best way for me to study. It’ll be term 4 soon—I heard that it is the craziest and hardest term. Oh and all the courses will be an 80%. Meaning in order to pass the course, I have to get a mark of 80% or higher. THE PRESSURE IS ON. Enough with academic talk lol I gotta enjoy summer first.
One of my best friends are getting married this July 6th. I’m one of her bridesmaid. We had our dress fitted three weeks ago and the freaking dress was fitted enough for me to not eat supper on the reception at the wedding. I was contemplating whether to loosen the dress a bit or just go with that size. Guess what I picked? Lol, I didn’t changed the size because I thought I’d try to lose weight before the wedding. However, looking at what I am doing right now I doubt I’d be able to lose anything before the event. I can’t even use our treadmill whenever I’m home and couldn’t even get up early to walk with my boyfriend in the morning. Okay, I know something got to change. When one of my best friends told us that she’d try to jog every afternoon this week, I told her I’ll go too—starting on Friday because that’ll be the end of our practicum. I am trying to go on a diet but we’ve been eating out a lot lately so I guess that would be a problem. Anyway, we’ll see ? Hopefully it’ll be a success.
Wish me luck guys!

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