It has been a month since we tied the knot. Was there any changes?
Personally, there were no changes that I could think of—probably less arguments? I think we just made everything legal and official. I mean, we’ve been living together since December—almost 6 months—and we’ve been doing everything together since the start of our relationship.
Sneak peak to days leading to our big day:
The girls threw me a surprise bridal party after our rehearsal. I wasn’t expecting that, I was about to cry lol They gave me gifts which I should be wearing the night of the wedding lol
The day before the wedding, the guys’s suit kind of got screwed. So le husband (wow, feels weird to pertain to him as my husband now lol) picked it up in the city, didn’t bother to check it before leaving, so when they got home, that’s when they saw it’s different colour. He was so stressed out that he was yelling at the guy over the phone. I told him to calm down and to tell his groomsmen to come over so they could try on the suits to see if the colours will be okay. The owner of the shop was so kind to actually drive 2 hours to deliver the right colour of the suits. I was supposed to leave before 6PM that day to check-in the hotel but couldn’t because le husband was so stressed. I was also supposed to go to the nail salon in the mall to get my nails done for the wedding but that didn’t happen as we left late and checked-in late already.
When they say you won’t be able to sleep the night before your big day, they were right. It was almost 2AM when I closed my eyes, and it felt like as soon as I am in deep sleep, my alarm went off. We were supposed to be in the hotel at 0530AM to get our hair and make-up done but we were 30mins late. It was fine because we were still right on schedule.
How did it feel? Hmm, it actually felt like you’re on autopilot. The time was actually flying by so fast—you’re getting your hair and make-up done then the next think you know, you’re putting on your dress and walking down the aisle, then saying your I do’s and your vows. And then, the night is over. I wasn’t really stressed out that day, to be honest. I thought I’d be a wreck and will turn into a bridezilla the day of the wedding and thank heavens, that didn’t happen. Well, I was also trying to occupy my head and making myself busy by volunteering to steam my bridesmaid’s dress lol (they didn’t let me btw). I think I only ate 2 small (square) pieces of pizza, a glass of water and a large iced coffee with espresso shot.
When we were in the bridal cottage and I was about to put my dress on, I was waiting for my heart to beat faster—it didn’t happen. I even thought if we were doing a rehearsal and that moment wasn’t real. I kept thinking, “Is this really it?” Even when I was walking down the aisle, I wasn’t nervous, I was looking at everyone that was there LOL
Were there any mishap during the wedding? Well, let me tell you—we left my bouquet in the hotel room which was 20mins drive. I was a little bit stressed out a bit about it. My Maid of Honour and two of my bridesmaids went to get it—and because of that they weren’t in some of the pictures like the first look with my dad. I felt so bad about that but at the same I am really grateful they did that. Another mishap was, our flower girl got lost with her parents so she wasn’t able to walk down the aisle—I even forgot to let her walk down the aisle after the ceremony so she’ll have picture. She was so pretty too with her dress One of our guy friends (that was supposed to be part of the entourage) took the role with a little bit of resentment to us LOL Was I stressed out about these mishaps? Actually, no. At that moment, all I could think of was—we are getting married today. That’s the most important thing—all the little things does not matter anymore. Besides, I’ve already told myself that not everything will go smoothly—there will be mishaps and disappointments. My girls who already got married told me that advice too. Don’t think too much about the small things and just enjoy the day.
It felt surreal and I am so glad we decided to get the SDE with the video package because it showed the highlight of the day and it made us feel that, yes, we were in the moment—we got married today. We werent’ expecting for the pictures to be uploaded right away though LOL I think it was just 3 days? And the photographer messaged us with the gallery.
I have a lot to talk about but it’ll probably too long to write and I’ll bore you out with it. Here’s the link of our pictures: