New Rotation Update

So halfway thru my first month of full time rotation. So far it’s not as bad as I thought it would be. I was surprised at how many weekend off I have. But then again, it could be so that they won’t have to pay premiums y’know. Still a challenge during night shifts but I am definitely getting better at sleeping through the day. I finished my first 3 N12 in a row last week. I was supposed to sleep in after my 3rd night but le fiancé asked if I want to eat sushi and go grocery shopping with him—who am I to say no for free food so right after waking up at around 1:30 in the afternoon, we left. It was also raining that day, and according to superstitious belief, you shouldn’t get rained on if you didn’t get enough sleep or if you feel tired because you’ll get sick. Okay, I might be wrong with that but I remember my mom telling me not to get rained on when I was a kid LOL. Anyway, as we were walking around Walmart, I suddenly felt my energy level go low. I told him, we better go because I feel exhausted. Saturday, we had to meet someone at 1pm so again, I didn’t get the chance to sleep in. We then went to Clear Lake late afternoon but we didn’t stay long because it was cold (winter is coming 🥴) Sunday I finally slept in. Well, I slept the whole day which sucks because it was my last day off and it felt like I didn’t do anything besides sleeping. I didn’t even “work out”—I put quotations because my work out only consist of walking on treadmill for 15-20mins with the speed of 3. Funny and annoying thing was, my fiancé had the audacity to call me out for sleeping all day. It didn’t help that I woke up with a headache and I felt off maybe because of lack of sleep and I had to wake up early next day for a day shift 🥴

Definitely a whole new routine. To make up for my lack of exercise over my 3 days off, I’ve been walking for 20mins after my D12 shifts. Even though my feet were screaming for me to stop and lay down, I pushed myself to do it. And now, as I sit here doing my night shift—I am contemplating whether to walk on treadmill after work or to do it when I wake up in the afternoon before working another night. Though I know I have to choose sleep first once I feel really sleepy because I don’t want to pass out LOL. Well, I’d probably update once I figure this out.

Stay safe! Ciao! 💋

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A newbie in blogging. Cassiopeia for life.

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