I think the most important thing I’ve learned in life was—you won’t always have to share the same opinion with others. You don’t have to agree with what they say. You can say whatever you want, you can say your piece—as long as you don’t rub it off of their faces. It’s okay to disagree. Let them know that you don’t share the same sentiments but you have to respect their point of view.
You will never (ever) please everyone. I did that when I was younger and it fcking burnt me out. YOU DON’T HAVE TO PLEASE EVERYONE or ANYONE BY AGREEING TO EVERYTHING THEY SAY.
At the same time, don’t disregard their opinion—I mean don’t invalidate what they are saying just because they don’t share the same opinion as you do. Let them know your point—confront if you must—and if by chance they still force their opinion on you. Back off if you can and remember: you both have different minds and different ways of thinking. What seems right to you might not be right for them. You feel me?
Learn to let go. This will make your life easier LOL.
That’s all folks! Have a happy weekend!