I am so freaking frustrated right now. I can’t connect to Jetpack because of my SSL certificate. I’ve already contacted Jetpack for help and they told me to contact my web host as they are the one’s who could fix it—something about my SSL certificate chain. Then I contacted my web host to let them know about the problem. The support tech I was talking with escalated the problem to a site technician (?) because he could not fix it as well. He tried re-installing my SSL and told me to reconnect my account to Jetpack but it didn’t work. Hopefully they’d be able to fix it because man, it felt like I just wasted money and I can’t share my post in my twitter and Tumblr account. Not that someone will actually click on the link and read my blog content. Sigh.
Next, I wanted to change my theme. I found a theme I like in MOJO marketplace. Added it in my cart, I checked out—BUT it kept telling me that there’s an error on AVS. Apparently, the address I put does not match the cardholder’s (MY) billing address. I compared both addresses on my bank account which is right—then to the billing address on my web host’s account. Both were right. I was pulling my hair out at this point already.
I am mad. I dunno if I should’ve just left my website as is. Like not purchasing SSL. Because it honestly fucked up everything. I’m sad.
That’s my little rant for today. Hope everyone’s having a good day despite what’s happening in the world.
This too shall pass.
Oh, and I would like to promote my friend’s vlog. She’s just starting and she talks about daily musings—she does give awesome advices (in person), and hopefully she does too on her channel. The thing is, she talks in Taglish (Tagalog and English)—mostly in Tagalog. So Filipino friends~ please like and subscribe on her channel!

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