My college friends and I have been making jokes about coming in late (in class) but have the time to ran in Tims or Mcd’s or Starbucks to buy coffee. Even though we were making fun of people who does this—I, myself, is guilty. But I was never late in class. Barely—the only time I was late was in term 2 and we had a test. There was a snow storm the night before so obviously the roads were horrible. My fiancé told me to email our instructor that I won’t be able to come in. But me, being stubborn, refused. I hate missing class. Anyway, I was 15mins late—almost failed the test—good thing it wasn’t a major exam. The instructor ended up telling the whole class that if the weather is not good, don’t take a risk and drive.
As of being late, I just don’t like the idea of coming in early and wait for a long time for the class to start or for my shift to start (at work). I’d rather come in right in time and get my full hours of sleep than do that. Anyway, last Thursday and Friday, I attended a clinical education out of town. I knew I’d be late but I still went to Mcd’s to buy iced coffee with espresso shot—this was Thursday. We started late anyway 🤣 I literally got in 2mins after the start time and we started at 0830. The next day, I was 5mins early but I was also the last one to come in.
Don’t get me wrong, I’ve tried coming in early especially at work. But, I was thinking I’m not getting paid to come in early and there are times wherein we had to stay overtime and more or less—it’s not even paid too. The only time I have to come in early is for appointments. Don’t ask me why because I don’t know either LOL.
It’s not really late late, more like being on time or right on the dot. Yes, this is me defending myself. The only reason I can think of as to why I tend to be late? I always sleep in.
This is it for now as I have nothing else to say/write. Stay safe!