A Year Into Lockdown

So here we are, a year into pandemic and lockdown. Any changes? I guess not so much, but the efforts of many to stay at home and limit their contacts are paying off—at least here in MB. But I hope that we won’t make the same mistakes as we did last year when we became complacent just because we had 0 case for a week straight. Hopefully, we won’t rush into opening the stores in full capacity even if we are dying to because at the end of the day, it’ll benefit as all. The restriction regarding having to self-isolate when you go in or out of the province is still tricky. Because I personally want to go out of province this summer and to not self isolate for 14 days after 🤷🏻‍♀️

There’s another “rule” that we had to follow which I find really ridiculous. “Different household are not allowed to eat at the same table for dine-in”. I find it ridiculous because my fiancé is our designated visitor. He literally sleeps in our house at times—we *bleep* and *bleep*. When we tried to say that we live together but the address on our IDs were not updated—they wouldn’t let us. Well, technically we could but if caught, we have to pay $5,000. Since we don’t really live together and we don’t like paying that huge amount, we decided to just sit separately. They were kind enough to actually let us sit a table apart and we’re lucky that it’s just us as customers that day. The thing is, it’s a public place. As soon as your food arrives, you’ll take off your mask. Even if you eat at the same table with the same people you live in—there are still other diners from obviously different household that shares the same air with you—in a closed space. I just don’t get it.

There are a lot of reason why people gets frustrated at this lockdown. Those who impose the protocol to the people and expects them to follow it were the ones who breaks it (e.g Government officials who goes out of the country for a “little” getaway etc.) And those privileged who uses their connection and money to get a breather or “get a break” from the reality by flying out of the country and party. How I wish we could all do that. Sana all may pera. This lockdown really showed the huge difference in our social status.

I don’t really have anything else to update so I’ll leave it like this LOL. Stay safe!


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A newbie in blogging. Cassiopeia for life.

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