
Finally done my five evening shifts in a row. I know people worked 8 shifts in a row so I have no right to complain (not complaining, swear). I had my fair share of working 10 days in a row back when I was still in McDs. Though that was kind of different stress and workload. For this year, I worked on my birthday and on Christmas eve and day. Can’t wait to have a day off and feel the spirit of post-Christmas LOL.

I thought my limit (patience wise) would be 3 days. It turned out I could tolerate more 🤣 By day 5 though, I could feel exhaustion taking over me. I was giving report and instead of saying the doctor’s name I mispronounced it as: milligram. Couldn’t even read my own cheat sheet anymore. I was ready to go home and crawl in my bed.

I was tempted to call in but we were already short staffed since Monday. I didn’t want to screw them over just because I was too lazy to come in (but I really wanted to, honest). And yesterday (25th), it didn’t helped that my parents was about to have Christmas lunch when I was on my way to work. Ugh, adulting 🥲 Besides, I know this won’t be a one time thing—not celebrating Christmas with my ‘rents—because of my profession. Hopefully next year I’ll be off *crossing fingers*

Hope you get to spend your holidays well. Enjoy the remaining days of 2020.


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A newbie in blogging. Cassiopeia for life.

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