My week off is almost done and I’m not ready to go back to work. HELP.
You might be thinking, “whoa, a week off! You must have had a productive week!” Sorry to burst your bubble, but, I didn’t. I was planning to workout but that plan did not go into fruition. I lazed around, attended our “graduation”—which I will write about uhm maybe tomorrow—pigged out, lazed around some more—before I know it, my off is coming to an end. I didn’t even picked up shifts for this stretch. I deserved this LOL. Imma go back grindin’ on Wednesday and prolly will pick up a shift or two this weekend, we’ll see.
Annnd~ some good news! Not gonna share here yet, though. I will once it is finalize. Future is looking bright and we are “right on schedule”. Exciting things ahead! Bye for now.
Happy November y’all!