Happy New Year!
It has been a while since the last time I posted here (my forever intro) But this time, I am so excited to share a very good news to everyone. Let’s consider this as my first post of the year (I started this draft last 26th of December lol)
Long story short, we’re pregnant! I tested October 1st as soon as we got home from Alberta. I already had my suspicion while we were there. I woke up Saturday morning with sore, more like heavy boobs. I thought maybe my period is coming (since I was due that week), but then, I was slowly realizing that I never had sore boobs whenever my period is coming. The next day, I noticed a blue vein from my nipple (sorry folks, TMI), that’s when my suspicion grew stronger. But to be honest, when I saw some stretch marks, the first thought that came into my mind was actually breast cancer. We went hiking the next day, and when I checked my heart rate on my Apple Watch, I was pretty shocked that it was actually on 160s when usually, it’s only on 120s. It also notified me about my oxygen consumption and that I wasn’t getting enough, or something similar, and one of the reasons why it’s like that, was either you’re pregnant or there’s something wrong with your heart.
Anyway, I’ve been testing negative whenever I thought my period was late so I’m like, I’ll just test the following week to be sure. But, the spotting before my period didn’t came so my gut really told me to test, which I did that Saturday morning. Sure enough, it was positive—I didn’t have to wait ten minutes for the result to show up. That morning, we decided to share the news with our family and friends on Christmas instead of telling them right away. To be honest, it was one of the hardest thing to do lol.
We really had to lie one day when my mom suddenly visited us because she heard rumours at work that we’re pregnant. Her colleagues actually congratulated her for being a grandma even though we haven’t said anything at that time. I was frustrated but I laughed it off, and I told her it’s not true (even though it was) I told her as long as the news didn’t come from us, it’s not true and don’t believe anything she hears. She admitted that when she heard the news from other people, it hurts her a little bit because how come other people knows it already while they haven’t heard anything from us yet.
Anyway, I knew people were getting suspicious too, because I’ve been gaining weight (obviously). I’m just glad my friends didn’t asked because I don’t really want to deny anything but at the same time, it’s better not to say anything until after we surprised our family. Actually, I had to tell my girlfriends it was just for future reference when I asked them something related to pregnancy. I’m okay with people talking behind my or our back regarding the pregnancy rumour as long as they don’t also get our parents/families involved.
When we finally told our family the good news, my father-in-law commented something along the lines of: Oh, that’s why someone from my part time work told me “they’re pregnant, don’t you know?” My husband and I had an idea on who it was but we just told them that we’re glad he didn’t listen or paid any attention to them so as not to ruin the surprise we were planning. We all got them matching hoodies with their “designated” names on them (e.g. tito, tita, lola etc.,) and we did our usual exchange gifts. My husband and I were looking at each other because it seemed like no one was trying to open their gifts, so we’re like “let’s open our gifts already” The first one to react was my brother-in-law’s girlfriend. It’s too bad I didn’t took a video of their reaction (because I was too lazy at the time to stand up) but it was chaotic but happy.

I am glad that this “secret” is finally out of the open and we didn’t have to ignore the questions or “deny” it. Anyway, I’ll end this post here as it is very long and starting to sound boring lol Will post again soon! Bye!