Since Halloween was just a couple of days ago—lemme tell a spooky story which happened ages ago. This is not really creepy tho — and mind you, I suck at writing. This post was written last 2017 but since I wasn’t able to finish it on time, I decided not to post it LOL
It happened when I was in my senior year of high school. Graduating high school students (in the Philippines— especially those who go to a Catholic school) usually go to retreats. What is retreat? Hmm, how should I explain this? Well, it’s like we go to a retreat house and spend 1 night and 2 days (some schools stay there longer) reflecting, praying, sharing our stories/opening up, bonding, etc. Or for better explanation, just google it ?
So it was the year 2014 (or 2013), forty-two-something of senior students (that’s just our class lol) went to this retreat house; it was a typical old, creepy house you see in the movies where ghosts and spirits are likely to reside. Like legit you can tell you’d definitely see or feel something in there. Anyways, on our first day we had a church service/mass; two of our female classmates aren’t Catholics so they are ‘allowed’ not to participate/attend so they just stayed in our room (girls and boys’ room are separate of course). Halfway through the service, they suddenly went into the main hall where we were at. We got curious so we asked them after why they suddenly joined us. They told us that while they were sitting on one of the bunk beds getting ready to take a nap, the bed shook. They said it felt like someone was shaking it — though at first they thought the other was just moving. However, when they both realized it wasn’t one of them that was causing the shaking of the bed, they ran out of the room. We were skeptical about it — I mean we’ve heard stories from different accounts about ghosts experience in a retreat and those kind of stories, if you haven’t experienced it first hand then it is not true. So we brushed it off and we were all like: must be your imagination.
Evening came, after our supper we’ve decided to stay up late to do an open forum. We were sitting on the floor on the hallway just outside the girls’ room. On my left peripheral view is the staircase (we were on the second floor of the house). As we were into our discussion, on my peripheral view, I kinda saw a figure/shadow that’s climbing up on the stairs, but when I really look at it there’s no one. It happened for a couple of times and for some reason I decided not to pay too much attention to it. Midnight came and our adviser (not really our homeroom adviser) told us to go sleep already since we need to be up early in the morning. Us girls settled in our room and choose the bunk bed we’re gonna sleep in. I chose the upper bunk with one of my bffs. Even though we got told that we have to go to sleep, we didn’t listen. We were stubborn — who aren’t in that age, right? Anyways, when our group finally decided to sleep, we had a debate on whether to turn off the lights or nah. I’m on team turn it off because the freaking light is just above us and it’s just too bright — I honestly forgot if the lights were turned off but I do remember that the friend that’s supposedly on my side transferred to another bed because she’s hearing ‘someone’ singing. As I don’t want to scare myself plus I was really sleepy I let her leave me alone and dismissed what she just said.
I don’t know what time it was but I woke up by the sudden shaking of the bed. It’s the type of shaking wherein the person sleeping on the lower bunk move too much. It happened so many times I got annoyed but I didn’t checked them down — I just decided to talk to them in the morning. Sleep comes first. So morning came, and guess what? The girls who were sleeping at the lower bunk told me that they didn’t moved at all that night. And if they did, it was just so minimal that it wouldn’t wake someone.
So we tried something—I went back onto the upper bunk and they moved—we even shook the bed. The bed didn’t bulge—it was hard to shake. It was really impossible for them to shake the bed that night to the point that it woke me up.
Well, we were all happy that we won‘t be staying another night in that place. The experience scared the shit out of us and it was the talk of the ‘year’ lol. Even my cousin who graduated the year before shared the same experience from that place.
Happy Halloween!