Hi guys! How are we doing during this quarantine? Hope everyone is still doing okay during these crazy times. Again, for the umpteenth time—this is a late post.
So last Monday, July 20th, my boyfriend and I went to Wasagaming (Clear Lake) for camping—just the two of us for the first time. We camped for three days and on a weekday! The thing is, I was worried a little bit because I knew that he’ll end up setting everything up on his own and I don’t know when and how to help.
The day before we left we decided that we’re going to the site at 1pm so that we’ll be able to set up our tent right away. However, we didn’t leave until 3 in the afternoon. There were a lot of things we still need to buy in contrast to what my boyfriend claimed. It was starting to stress me out and I’m getting pissed off already because it’s one of my pet peeves. Everything should’ve been prepared beforehand and not the day we were supposed to leave. I don’t know but, it’s just me.
We got there maybe around 4:30pm. The site was small—well it was enough for the two of us. He started setting up the tarp that would serve as our “roof”. According to the weather forecast, it’s supposed to rain with thunderstorm that week or at least Monday until Tuesday. When he was done with the tarp, we assembled our tent. We actually just bought the tent 1-2 weeks prior the camping so it’ll be the first time we’re going to assemble it. We kind of struggled LOL! It was a bigger tent than the one we’ve used before—we were using/borrowing my parents’ tent. We thought we were done but as I look at it, I thought that there’s something wrong with it. I just couldn’t tell what. Then we realized that we were missing another pole on top of tent.
An hour and a half later (approx.), everything was set up. Now for supper. He did all the cooking our entire camping FYI. I only assisted him with washing the veggies and the dishes. Anyway, when dinner’s ready he chose to tidy up first before eating. I was hangry at this point, he told me that he just wanted to tidy first because it looks nicer and we don’t have to clean up a lot of mess later on—we could just relax after. Out of “hangriness”, I told him that he’s like my mom—they both like to clean up even though they don’t have to. He then told me that if I’m not hangry, I wouldn’t say that he’s like my mom. He also said that when he’s hangry, I do the same thing—cleaning up first before sitting down to eat.
When nightfall came and we’re both washed up and finally cleaned our site (because BEARS!), we sat by the bonfire. He suddenly asked me, “What’s the plan after this?” He threw that question out suddenly and so randomly that I honestly didn’t know how to answer. So I jokingly said, “Well, let’s get married!” Then we started talking about life and at some point I was triggered by what he said but surprisingly I caught myself calming down and explaining things for him from my point of view. As the night gets deeper so was our conversation. We started talking about life—about our relationship. It started to get cold too, the cover of my book got wet because of the fog. I wanted to go inside the tent already but he was kind of pleading to stay a bit longer by the bonfire.
I told him twice that after I go to the washroom I will go straight into the tent. But every time I got back from the washroom, he’d managed to make me stay. So I sat closer to the fire, trying my best not to get annoyed, I was thinking that we don’t do this often anyway. Out of the blue he suddenly asked “Why do you love me?”. Well, I answered “Because you’re you” I mean, what else could I have said right (jk!)? I threw the question back at him—I almost didn’t LOL. Then he said that he actually have a poem for me. He didn’t write it, but it’s a poem by Roy Croft “Why do I love you?” I did a quick research on this because I want to post the poem on this blog but there are different variations of the poem and apparently its title is: Love.
As he was reading the poem, I was getting teary eyed. I tried to hold it in because he started to tease me that I am crying. Then, he asked me to dance, a slow dance. It was funny and romantic—except it was really cold. Another hour passed and out of the blue (again), he told me that he talked to my dad last Friday (July 17th). I was confused because I thought he worked evening that day so how come he got to talk with my parents. Then I remembered that he actually worked a day shift, lol.
Anyway, he said that on that day he made a promise to my dad. I was like, “why? what made you ‘promise'” because he never made a promise before. He’d always say: I’ll do my best. According to him, my dad said that he should love me and take care of me just like how they (my parents) love me and take care of me. Hearing that part made me cry because, coming from my dad I know that it is a big thing. And I have no idea what made my dad say that to him. As I was wiping my tears, he stood up and kissed me—he claimed that he said something but I honestly had no idea what it is. The next thing I heard was: “Will you marry me?” and when I looked down I saw the ring.
At this point, I was a mess. I cried for a bit but I feel like I was still smiling, then I pressed on my tear ducts to stop me from crying even more LOL. If that makes any sense at all. I never thought that it would make me cry—I was honestly confused as to why some women cry when they are being proposed to. Being on the same situation, even if you see it coming—the emotions would still overwhelm you.
We actually don’t have any pictures or video from the day he proposed because it was dark—it’ll be hard to see us anyway. But we took pictures the next day with the sunset, of course. He proposed 15mins to 2AM, and lights, including bonfires should be put out by 1AM. The officers (?) were doing their rounds and we were told or reminded about the rules but the guy said that if it’s the last one (prolly the firewood), it’s okay to just let it burn and wait until it’s extinguished on its own. But we just told them we’re going to extinguished it because we’re about to head in the tent already (finally!).
Now into the tent, I took a picture and sent it to my Mom, to my friend in the Philippines, to my girlfriends (in our group chat), to my considered little sister—I put my phone in silence and went to sleep. The next day we’re both bombarded with congratulatory messages from our friends and family. It honestly felt surreal—it almost felt like a dream. Until now, as I am writing this (very late) post. Well, about the ring—it is loose. I thought I am size 6 so that’s what I told him lol but he bought a size 6.5 instead. By Wednesday, when we got home, we went in the city (a 2 hour drive) to get the ring resized. I resized it down to 5, I don’t know if it’s a good idea. I’ve been researching that the thinner the band, the looser/bigger it’ll fit.
I will end this post here now because it is long and wrote way too many unnecessary stuff. Have a good week!