Yesterday, as I was working (more like slacking off because we’re not really busy lol) I’ve realized that my mum hasn’t dropped by yet to give me the car keys even though it’s past seven in the evening already. When she works until seven, she usually drop off the keys at work while my dad pick … Read More

According on my ‘To-Do-List’, I am supposed to be in the gym for an hour; but, what the hell am I doing — still on my bed with my laptop browsing any sites I find amusing. Sigh. To think I was really excited to hit the gym after 5months or so.
Thoughts 101: Listening
Last January 16th, I went to Brandon to take my CELPIP exam (for our Citizenship). It went well — I guess. Though I’m nervous if what I did on Speaking section was right. I can’t wait to see the result 😀
Movie Night
We finally able to push through our plan to watch a movie last Monday. Me and my friends have been planning to go out since last week but wasn’t able to because of our darn schedule. I’ve been suggesting that we should see Into the Woods and they all agreed, at first. Too bad one of … Read More
Holiday 2014
It’s been my third year of celebrating Christmas and New Year abroad but I’m still not used to the deafening silence that greets me. Different cultures, eh. Celebrating Christmas back home doesn’t have any difference on how we celebrate it here. My ‘rents went to a family friend to have Christmas dinner whilst I stayed … Read More
Thoughts 101: Drunk kiss
Saturday. November 1st My friend threw a party for his birthday celebration. And just like the other parties that we’ve been, this one also had a ‘drinking session’. Me and my girl friends had decided a week before that we’re going to drink — because we aren’t really drinking any alcohol during parties. We didn’t bring our … Read More
I have this app on my phone where in an alarm goes off every after two and a half hours to remind you to drink water. Ever since I’ve downloaded the app — I realized that I haven’t drinking enough water for the whole day. We were taught by our parents and teachers (back when we were … Read More
The day OT9 became OT8. My heart is crying.
I am really REALLY sad right now. Just read a heartbreaking news that Jessica Jung is no longer a member of SNSD. Reasons? Conflict of interest the company says. And yes it’s already confirmed — SM released an official statement already.
Thoughts 101: Being lazy…
I just realized that I’ve been doing nothing at work since August started. Either I’m just sitting in the office playing 2046 or just sitting there doing nothing at all. And I always come in late — well, as managers, we’re supposed to start half an hour early before our shift but as for me, … Read More
Walkie update!
Hello guys! As an update before this week ends, I want to proudly share to you that I’ve been walking my dog for three straight nights now *bow* Yes, nights, because well, I was really planning to walk every morning but I just can’t get up from my bed and uhm, I always wake up … Read More