Ok so I was supposed to write something yesterday. But for some reason I thought I fucked up my site. To cut the story short, I purchased a SSL certificate (and should’ve bought the cheaper one since I’m only managing one site) and had no idea that it takes time for it to be installed or authenticated (or whatever technical term you want to use) I was about to panic because I thought the site won’t load properly anymore. I searched around and read an article that sometimes it’ll take a day or two for it to work.
So I calmed myself down and told myself that I’ll check it back the following day. Lo and behold, it did work—the site load properly. I was really worried because I didn’t back up my account lol. And yeah next time (when the certificate expires) I will choose the cheaper one since I only have one website.
Well, I’ll try to write again sometime this week before school starts.
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