TL;DR I was 39 weeks 0 days when I gave birth to our baby girl and here’s my birth story.
Morning Surprise
Early morning of May 28th, around 0450, I had the urge to use the bathroom. As I was rolling myself off the bed—rolling, because I couldn’t sit up properly lol—when I suddenly felt a gush of fluid. I was frozen on the spot.
The first thing I thought was: “Did I just peed myself?” then, it hit me: My water broke. I managed to get myself in the bathroom and sat in the toilet.
My amniotic fluid kept gushing out in large amount. My husband was sleeping, and we have a plan for family dinner as it was my dad’s birthday that day. I sat for like ten minutes then decided to wake my husband.
Around 0630, we were on our way to the hospital—not before stopping at McDs first for coffee and breakfast LOL
The Supper before the suffer
I had no contractions yet when we got to the hospital. After the assessments, we went back home at 0800. The doctor advised me to get some sleep if I could. But boy, I couldn’t. I even tried to do last minute organizing of baby room and to wash the mittens but I couldn’t finish in time.
My contractions got intense and stronger as the day went by but we still managed to celebrate my dad’s birthday and had dinner. When it got to the point wherein I’m crying because of the contractions, we decided to go back to the hospital mainly for pain management.
I was only 3-4cm dilated when they checked me around 1930H
When they assessed me again at 2100H, I was probably 5-6cm. My doctor offered augmentation if I wanted to but I opt not to. I wanted to make sure that my body adjust to the labor pain naturally. But before making this decision, I asked my doctor first if it’s okay and if it safe to do that. She said it’s fine.
Since my amniotic fluid has already ruptured, they had to give me an antibiotic at midnight for precaution (in case of infection).
At first, I told my husband not to touch me whenever I’m having a contraction because I was too sensitive. When the contractions got stronger, I had to hold onto him all the time. It seemed like if I let go, I won’t be able to go through the pain lol.
I was using nitro gas for pain management at first. It didn’t really helped with the pain but it helped me breathe during contractions which then helped with relaxing. I just requested for morphine and gravol when I started crying because of pain—and because my nurse reminded me that I still have other pain management option.
Baby girl was too excited to come out but she refused to position herself right.
When my nurse assessed me around 0400, I told her that I felt like I’m doing an involuntary push—I couldn’t stop myself from not pushing anymore. When my doctor assessed me, I was 7cm—unfortunately, baby girl was breech. When I heard that she was breech, right away in my head I thought “we have to do c-section, no other option”
She still told us about the other options: breech delivery or manual repositioning of baby while in labor. Both option needed to be done in the city, which was 2 hours away. With EMS/ambulance shortage, I knew that we won’t make it in time; I might end up delivering in the ambulance (scary shit)
My husband and I decided to do C-section as it was the less risky and safest option at the time. And for me, it is going to be more traumatic if I choose breech delivery—I mean, just the thought of it, no thanks LOL
When the surgeon asked me if we had any concerns/questions regarding the procedure—I asked if my next pregnancy/delivery will be via C-section. I know, not really a concern, but I was curious. She told me it doesn’t have to be. I could still do vaginal delivery as long as the baby is in the right position. I was relieved.
I was already looking forward to the spinal anesthesia while we were waiting for the on call surgery team. The contractions were getting stronger that it was getting harder for me not to push. Honestly, I’m very proud of myself that I was able to hold it (pushing) even though my body was telling me to push already.
By the time I was on the table, I was fully dilated.
My surgery went well
She came out at 0423H. However, baby girl was “stunned” so they had to do resuscitation—I believe it’s just airflow and no chest compression. I remember my husband telling me not to listen and not to pay attention to the nurses, but off course I did the opposite.
Then I heard the baby nurse say: “I can’t hear her heartbeat” twice and honestly, my heart sank.
I got scared but I know they were doing their best to help baby girl. I was trying to take some deep breaths as per my husband’s request but I was struggling to breathe for I don’t know how long.
Maybe it sounded like I was in distress because the OR nurse came by my side to explain what was happening and what were they doing. I nodded my head. I wanted to tell her I know and understand what they’re doing but I couldn’t talk because I couldn’t breathe.
I let out a gurgly moan or something awful sounding to let her know I understand—I don’t know if it does sound like I do. I guess the anesthesia went way too high that’s why I had a hard time breathing for a moment there.
Baby girl finally let out her first cry and both my husband and I could finally breathe in relief. I wanted to cry, but I couldn’t.
My first words to my daughter: “hello, you little piece of sh*t”
I said that with love and that was my way of telling her of what she had made me went through (no judging) Kidding aside, I said that to ease the fear that was slowly creeping up at the time. Let’s just say that that was my ice breaker.
Anyway, baby girl latched right away while we were in the recovery room, my colostrum was in as well. I’m still grateful that we didn’t had problems with her feeding and latching because it’s one of the reasons why I recovered fast.
8-12 hours post-CS
As my husband’s promise, my first meal that day (hospital breakfast not included) was sushi. I could finally have sashimi!
We told our parents not to visit and just do so once we’re home. Again, another decision I’m thankful we did because I feel like I’d be overwhelmed if we had let them.
Plus, I needed to rest after that whole battle lol We also got to feel being alone with baby girl right away and it wasn’t as overwhelming as we thought it would be once we got home.
Since I was c-section and baby girl was SGA (small for gestational age), our assessments were done every 3 hours; mine was for 24 hours while baby girl’s blood sugar needed to be checked every 3 hours for 36hours. And thankfully, all her sugars were within the normal range.
We didn’t really had any decent sleep in the hospital, so when the doctor that did my c-section asked when we want to go home, I told her that maybe Tuesday or Wednesday. My surgeon ok’d it and told us she was going to communicate it with baby girl’s doctor.
I did mention that I was just worried with babe’s bilirubin but we’re willing to come back for bloodwork and possible treatment, if needed. She’s okay with it too.
Tuesday we finally went home.
As soon as we sat in the couch and after eating our late lunch, we crashed. All of us fast asleep in the couch for four hours.
Then came my first break down.
I was trying to get up from the couch (we have sectional and I chose to lay down on the l-shape part) but I got scared because I thought I couldn’t get up. I thought my stitch/staples would come undone and that I’d be stuck sitting on the couch forever (overthinking, I know)
As my husband helped me get up, I cried. I cried because I thought my organs are going to fall out and because finally, finally, everything that had happened sinked in. I wasn’t in auto-pilot anymore and I could finally feel and relived what had happened for the past 48 hours.
My husband told me to take a shower—to take my time and to cry some more if I wanted to. I thought I already cried it all out because I didn’t cry in the shower, however, I was wrong lol
While I was eating supper, I heard my husband sniffled. I thought he was crying because I cried. Then, I thought about how useless I would be in the house because I had c-section and the recovery will be longer. And then I felt bad because it means my husband have to do everything. So, I broke down.
He comforted me right away. He told me to cry it out as I was holding back since Monday. When I finally calmed down, my parents came over. And of course my husband had to tell them that I just finished crying. So my mom approached me. I looked at her and I started bawling again. She cried too, LOL
It was good to cry. I felt better and relieved.
48H+ Post-CS
We came back to the hospital for baby girl’s repeat bloodwork as her doctor was concerned that I might not have milk yet and baby’s bilirubin might go up.
I had to go on my own because my husband had to take Bullet to the groomers. Good thing the hospital was just 5 mins away and thankfully, baby girl wasn’t fussy when she was by herself at the backseat. She was definitely jaundiced. I wasn’t surprised when they want us back the next day.
Her second repeat bili on Thursday was fine and she actually gained weight—thank God! I even told the nurse (my co-worker) that I’ve seen way too many “bili baby” that mine definitely needed a phototherapy.
The public health nurse that I met after baby’s bloodwork, reassured me that her weight that time was where she wanted it to be. And that she may appear jaundiced but it will eventually be flushed away from her system and that everything should be a-ok.
I didn’t hear any call back from the hospital. We were grateful everything was good.
Two weeks later on her 14 day check-up, her weight was almost doubled from her birth weight. She was 2.8kgs at birth and on her check-up she was 3.75kgs. The doctor asked if I was giving her formula on top of my breastmilk but no—she’s exclusively breastfeeding.
My takeaway from this rollercoaster ride? I didn’t have to deal with vaginal tear LOL Kidding aside, going through labor pains, I’m confident to say that I can definitely handle another one. And yes, women’s body are really designed to give birth—it knows what to do. Hey, don’t make this statement political LOL
I’m blessed enough that I got to experience labor pain even though I end up delivering via C-Section in the end.
I will cut the story here because it had gotten way too long. I will probably post again soon. I will write about my recovery next time.
Ciao! 💋