Yo! Since I can’t really fall asleep, I’ll just write and update this blog.
I did write about me getting a new job right? I started as a casual HCA at the hospital and then applied in care home after my orientation (in the hospital) so I could earn more. I tried my luck and thank God I got in — I got a term position in the care home. And now my mum wanted me to apply for a permanent part time position so it would be easier for me to leave when I go back to school next fall. Well, not technically leave — I don’t want to quit because surprisingly I love my new job. It’s fun — or maybe I find it fun because it’s new? I know for sure tho that it’s less stressful. I don’t usually do nights on my last job but now I’d rather have the night shift. Aside of the premium, less people working are actually in the hospital. I decided not to take any night shift in the care home for now because I’m not that comfortable yet — days and evenings are so far ok at the care home. I just feel bad because every time they call me to pick up a shift in the hospital, it always a Monday or Wednesday evening shift — which I cannot do because of my evening class. So when they phoned me this afternoon if I could pick up a shift tomorrow, Friday, I said yes. Even though it will be my first time to do evening shifts and Friday is usually when me and boyfie spend longer hours together (because it’s weekend). However, I realized I needed money and these past few days we usually meet up either after my shift or every time he comes home early and he would eat lunch with me and stay until the start of my shift (at 3 in the afternoon)
I honestly wasn’t expecting to get in at this line of work at all. I was worried — I still am to this day — that I might do something that can jeopardize a patient or resident; forget important information that needed to passed down to the nurses or to other HCAs. I mean I have already forgotten to communicate some information to other HCAs a couple of times now. BUT! I’m trying to do better. Like legit I’m new, I hope they understand that I am trying to learn from my mistakes and be better everyday. I’m still figuring this thing out. And I am actually proud of myself for the improvement I’ve done. Well, let’s see tomorrow if I’d be able to handle an evening shift by myself. LOL I know nurses do help, it’s just that I still find it hard to ask them for help — I am shy. I feel terrible to be honest. I’m not so good at socializing. I can’t really strike a conversation without making it awkward. Okay, maybe it’s because I don’t really know them yet and it takes time to actually establish that connection.
I have so many worries in my head that I need to reassure myself that I can do this. Specially now that I will be starting to work at the care home since my orientation is done — my first shift will be an evening shift on Saturday. God bless whoever my partner is.
Best of luck, self. You can definitely do this!
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