Happy Thanksgiving!

It’s the time of giving thanks again. I know we shouldn’t wait for special holidays/occassions to be thankful to Him because we should always be thankful and grateful for all the things that we have every single day.

I grew up in the Philippines wherein we don’t celebrate Thanksgiving. But when we moved here five years ago, we kinda practiced celebrating it. I mean we tried. The first two years, we had friends (of my parents) to come over and eat dinner. Last year, my mum tried serving us turkey and had our neighbors (dad’s friend) eat dinner with us. To be honest though, I didn’t like the taste of turkey. Lol. Sorry turkey lovers. I still prefer chicken. Anyways, for this year (last Saturday night) we just had a simple dinner. Well more like we didn’t really celebrate it ? My co-workers were asking if we’re going to have turkey and I told them no because turkey is too big for us three.

Okay … since it’s thanksgiving, I will write the things I am really grateful of that happened recently:

Passed my Math for Nurses course. I did tell you about it alread right? Soooo really happy that I was able to pass it. 

Processing of my application. I also did say something about me waiting for the processing payment fee for my application to be deducted from my credit account right? Well guess what? I checked my recent transaction on my mobile app last Saturday morning and there it is. $75.00 deducted. Now all I have to do is wait for another 4-6 weeks to recieve further instructions. I haven’t told my parents yet because I want to surprise them ?

Okay that’s it for now. If I’m going to write down all the things I am grateful and thankful of, you’ll see no end of this post ?


– end of story –

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A newbie in blogging. Cassiopeia for life.

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